Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't Turn Around.

I am endlessly fascinated by things that terrify me.  I am not sure what this says about me psychologically, but I am drawn to movies that ensure that I will not be able to sleep for days afterwards.  I believe this started when I was younger and I would watch the X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer obsessively even though they scared me.  I used to refuse to watch scary movies until I saw The Ring and I was simultaneously horrified and curious.  Then I started watching every scary movie that I could get my hands on.  I guess it’s the thrill that I get, that shot of adrenaline that shoots through your system during a particularly good scare; scary movies are my roller coaster rides.
Halloween is the one horror movie that I have not been desensitized to.  Every time I watch it, it scares me again and again.  The mask that Michael Myers wears has haunted many of my nightmares and kept me awake during many nights.  Now, as I’ve grown older, I respect the movie for the role it played in essentially creating the slasher film genre.  Without Halloween there would be no Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street or Scream.  There have been endless sequels and remakes but more than a decade later, the original film has stood the test of time and is the greatest and scariest of them all.

1 comment:

  1. Buffy the vampire slayer is my favorite I'm just saying!!!!
